Kenny Blair Obituary: Known as Santa Blair, passed away at 65

Kenny Blair Obituary

Kenny Blair Obituary: Kenny Blair, affectionately known as Santa Blair worldwide, passed away unexpectedly over the weekend, as confirmed by his family.

He was a beloved Oklahoma City native, former NFL player, and coach at Frederick A. Douglass High School. Blair, 65, leaves behind a legacy of kindness, inspiration, and joy.

News of Blair’s passing spread quickly after The Black Chronicle, a prominent Oklahoma City newspaper, shared the news on their Facebook page on Saturday night. The community responded with an outpouring of condolences and shared cherished memories of Blair.

Born and raised in Oklahoma City, Blair grew up never seeing an African American Santa Claus, a lack of representation that deeply impacted him. As he shared with The Oklahoman in 2022, this absence of diversity in the holiday figure stuck with him into adulthood.

Beyond his role as Santa Blair, he was a talented athlete, having played in the NFL before dedicating himself to coaching at Frederick A. Douglass High School. Blair’s impact extended far beyond the football field, as he touched the lives of many with his warm spirit, generosity, and dedication to his community.

Kenny Blair’s unexpected passing is a profound loss, not only for his family and friends but for all who were touched by his kindness and joyful spirit. He leaves behind a legacy of love, representation, and the true spirit of Christmas. He will be deeply missed.

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