Adina Abramowitz Obituary: CDFI Managing Partner died

Adina Abramowitz Obituary

Adina Abramowitz Obituary: CDFI Friendly America Managing Partner, Adina Abramowitz passed away last night.

Adina was the Managing Partner at CDFI Friendly America, which is a strategy to bring the power of CDFI capital and knowledge to places that are not yet well served by CDFIs. Together with Mark Pinsky, she developed and implemented the CDFI-friendly strategy. CDFI Friendly is up and running in Bloomington, IN, South Bend, IN, and Fort Worth, TX, and getting organized in Tulsa, OK, and Evansville, IN.

From 1982 to 1987, Adina was the Business Developer at PACE of Philadelphia, Inc. where she packaged loans for and provided financial training to worker-owned businesses in the Delaware Valley. Their primary focus was developing inner-city worker-owned grocery stores.

Adina was also the President of Consulting for Change, a consulting practice specializing in maximizing the impact, market responsiveness, and efficiency of nonprofit organizations. Adina has provided consulting services to nonprofit organizations since 1997 and managed Consulting for Change since 2006. She is an expert in the field of community development finance.

Adina worked for the premier national membership organization for Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) known as Opportunity Finance Network for ten years. For most of her tenure, Adina was responsible for the organization’s strategy to develop CDFI capacity. Before joining Opportunity Finance Network, Adina was Executive Director of Cooperative Business Assistance Corporation (CBAC) in Camden, NJ, which she helped create in 1987.

CBAC is a nonprofit CDFI that serves small businesses in the City of Camden and other low-income areas in Southern New Jersey. Adina grew the program from one loan product to an integrated ladder of credit for businesses and designed and implemented bank partnerships for all levels of financing.

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