Walt McGrory Obituary: Basketball player died of cancer

Walt McGrory Obituary

Walt McGrory Obituary: Walt McGrory, who joined the Wisconsin men’s basketball program in 2017 and was a member of the team for four seasons, has passed away after a fierce battle with cancer. He was 24 years old. McGrory was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer, in August 2021.

Walt McGrory GoFundMe: According to the GoFundMe page created by Walt, he grew up in Southwest Minneapolis playing several sports. At Edina High School, he found my passion for basketball and ultimately went on to play at the University of Wisconsin. They won a Big Ten title. McGrory graduated with a degree in Economics.

During the spring of 2021, he was prepared to begin his management of business administration studies at the University of South Dakota and to begin my fifth and final year of collegiate basketball. When Walt detected a firm bump in his left shin, he dismissed it as unimportant because he had more important things to worry about.

This was because Walt had undergone three hip surgeries in the previous year. Nevertheless, the pain soon reached a point where the lump affected him more than any hip rehabilitation he had ever had. I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer that affects children, in August of 2021, when he was 22 years old.

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