Sally Owens Obituary: Sally Owens passed away at 89

Sally Owens Obituary

Sally Owens Obituary: Sally Owens passed away at age 89, due to complications from a fall that led to head trauma. Fortunately, she has been surrounded by family, including Theresa TC Goodwin-Carr and Jerry Owens who phoned me with the news.

She was born June 15th, 1934 to Anna Cleary, my grandfather John’s sister, and John Somers, an Irish butler who lived and worked on a wealthy estate in Pittsburgh. They must have met via the Cleary Employment Bureau my great-grandfather John Cleary and grandmother Sarah ran. Sally’s father passed away early in her life when she was around 18, and her sister Gidget Schrott was only a few years old at that time.

Sally married Norman Owens shortly thereafter and since he was in the service they traveled around the world, coming back to Pittsburgh sometime in the ‘60s but then moving to York, PA when Norman found work there after retiring. And that’s where she enjoyed her long life, though she loved to travel, as you can see from the pictures of her trip to Ireland. Theresa told me she had been all around the country the past few months, living life to the fullest. Here’s to dear Sally, may she rest in peace with my Cleary ancestors and the Lord.

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