Norman Fetterley Obituary: Longtime CTV Journalist died at 74

Norman Fetterley Obituary

Norman Fetterley Obituary: Longtime CTV Journalist died at 74 on Friday, November 24, 2023.

He started his journalism career in 1967 and joined TV in 1972, working at CTV Ottawa since 1983. Fetterley began his broadcast journalism career at CJRN Radio in Niagara Falls, before moving to television in Thunder Bay.

Fetterley later became Parliamentary Correspondent for CJOH and CTV News, covering prime ministers Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Joe Clark, John Turner, Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell, and Jean Chretien, before finding his permanent home at CTV News Ottawa.

He was a brilliant writer, and storyteller and beloved by colleagues for whom he served as a mentor. His scripts always had a unique flare, and he loved to sprinkle in references to Diefenbaker, Churchill, Shakespeare, and occasionally Elvis Presley.

Tributes to Norman Fetterley

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