Marceau Gannard Obituary: ASP La Barèche player died in a car accident

Marceau Gannard Obituary: The community of La Barèche is in mourning following the tragic death of a young man in a fatal car accident this week. Marceau Gannard, aged 21, lost his life in a road accident in Pontarlier. Reports indicate that the dedicated football player, volunteer, coach, and beloved son succumbed to complications arising from the accident.

A heartfelt announcement from ASP La Barêche reads, “It is with immense sadness that we inform you of the death of Marceau Gannard, 21 years old, a valuable member of our football club, ASP La Barêche. Marceau was much more than a player; he was a dedicated volunteer and coach, a brother, a godfather, and a son appreciated by all. We will remember his smile, his dedication, and his generosity. His departure leaves a huge void. We express our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. A tribute will be paid in his memory, and his lasting impact will remain engraved in our hearts.”

Funeral arrangements for Marceau Gannard are scheduled to take place at the Nods church on Saturday, January 20, 2024, at 2 p.m. The community joins together in grief, honoring the memory of a remarkable individual who touched the lives of many with his warmth and contributions.

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