Craig Tokarski Obituary: Retired Minooka Police Department Sergeant

Craig Tokarski Obituary

Craig Tokarski Obituary: Retired Minooka Police Department Sergeant Craig Tokarski, beloved by family, friends, and colleagues, passed away, leaving a profound void in their lives. His death, announced on Saturday, March 16, 2024, through a heartfelt Facebook post, has left many devastated. Craig’s dedication to service and his impact on the community will be deeply missed.

With a heavy heart, I say goodbye to a legend, my powerlifting coach, and best of all my good friend. Without judgment, Craig and his wonderful wife Gina always treated me like family. There were days where I had nowhere to turn but I knew I could always call or text one of these two and they would be there for me. Many holidays these past few years I would have spent alone, but Craig and Gina invited me to their family get-togethers.

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