Aubree Hanna missing: 14-Year-Old, St. Louis County teen missing

Aubree Hanna missing

Aubree Hanna missing: St. Louis County police are asking the public for help in locating a missing 14-year-old girl.

Aubree Hanna was last seen at her mother’s residence near 13300 Big Bend Road on March 4, 2024. Since her disappearance, Hanna has neither returned home nor made contact with her family.

There have been unconfirmed reports suggesting that she may have traveled out of state.

Hanna is described as being 5 feet 2 inches tall, weighing 120 pounds, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and braces.

Authorities urge anyone with information regarding Hanna’s whereabouts to contact 911 or the St. Louis County Police Department at 636-529-8210.

Read also: Julia Gradecka Missing: 14-Year-Old girl last seen in Bellshill

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