Alan Yoshida Obituary: Combat Control Team, U.S. Sergeant has died

Alan Yoshida Obituary

Alan Yoshida Obituary: Alan “Yosh” Yoshida Combat Control Team member, United States Air Force Staff Sergeant passed away.

Yosh, a true warrior, was among the first to set foot in Afghanistan after 9/11.

Alan was instrumental in the very foundation of the Combat Control Foundation, and his impact on our fundraising capabilities remains immeasurable. His dedication extended far beyond mere financial contributions. He and his family attended the first two fundraisers, his daughter tirelessly managed the bar, and his wife captured precious memories – all in a selfless effort to support the community. The Foundation’s early success wouldn’t have been possible without Alan’s unwavering commitment.

Alan’s humility shone brightly. He truly embodied the spirit of the Combat Control community, valuing camaraderie and teamwork above all else. His wish to be surrounded by his brothers in arms speaks volumes about his character. He didn’t crave accolades or grand gestures – his focus remained steadfast on the mission and the well-being of his fellow warriors.

Beyond his dedication to the Foundation, Alan nurtured relationships that constantly strove to advance the careers and opportunities of the Combat Control community. His vision and leadership have left an indelible mark on the lives of countless individuals.

Though he may be gone, Alan’s legacy will live on. His unwavering spirit of service, unwavering humility, and unwavering dedication to the Combat Control brotherhood will continue to inspire generations to come.

We offer our deepest condolences to Alan’s family and friends. May his memory be cherished forever and may his commitment to serving others be a guiding light for us all.

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Tributes to Alan Yoshida

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